Industrial projects:
Industrial projects are carried out as a direct cooperation with companies or through tenders. Usually the projects are related either to help troubleshoot problems or weaknesses in the technological process of producing products or to assist in the design and / or development of a new product. Individual projects are short-term, because the company needs result in the shortest possible time. The success of projects is reflected in the satisfaction of our clients, granted patents and gained awards.

Scientific research:
Scientific research is long-term and usually resulting from applied projects or are conceptually connected with them. Research is carried out mainly in the field of numerical methods, which are used in computer simulations using finite element method, in multiphyisical modeling (thermomechanics, electromagnetism and mechanics, analysis of the interaction of liquid-solid, biomechanics, etc.), in the field of optimization methods for the purpose of identifying the inverse material properties etc. The success of research is reflected in the implementation of the results in applied projects and the publications in prestigious international scientific journals.